Stoffton Fish Shop

From Stoffton
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The Fish Shop is located on the eastern end of the main street in Stoffton. If you do not have the Fostoria mod installed, or if you have Fostoria (but edited the config.json file to have Remmington remain in Fostoria), the shop will be empty. Otherwise, the fisherman from Fostoria, Remmington, will now appear in the shop in Stoffton where he has access to a larger number of customers.

Fish Shop Stoffton.png
Open Hours
Address Stoffton
Occupants Remmington (if Fostoria is installed)

Inside (with Fostoria and Stoffton installed)

<image needed>

Inside (without Fostoria)

<image needed>

Note: If you have Fostoria installed, but choose to keep Remmington in Fostoria, the inside of the Stoffton fish shop is the same as shown above.