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Tomas is married to Felix Schafer and lives above the Flower Shop while he works from home as a computer programmer. Tomas is not originally from the area. He grew up with his parents Marina and Ignas and his younger brother Clay far from Stoffton; however, when he met Felix, he decided to relocate to Stoffton. A few years later, and much to Tomas' delight, his parents and younger (although physically larger) brother also relocated to Stoffton.

Tomas enjoys living and working in a small town setting.

Birthday Spring 2
Lives In Flower Shop
Address Stoffton
Friends Josef
Family Felix (husband)

Marina (mother)

Ignas (father)

Fiona (mother-in-law)

Clay (younger brother)

Family Tree Clay's Family Tree

Schafer Family Tree

Marriage No
Best Gifts Sashimi, Summer Spangle, Tea Leaves

Schedule (in brief)

Most days, Tomas works from home in the spare bedroom above the Flower Shop. On Thursdays, he and Felix go to the Blacksmith to eat with his parents. On Sundays, Tomas attends the temple of Yoba and then visits his parents.


In addition to the universal gifts, below are the character's specific preferences:

Reaction Gift(s)
Loved Sashimi, Summer Spangle, Tea Leaves
Liked Poppyseed Muffin, Trimmed Lucky Purple Shorts, Vegetable Medley, Blackberry
Neutral Salmonberry
Disliked Strange Doll, Chewing Stick, Cranberry Candy
Hated -

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Enter the Flower Shop.

Four Hearts

You receive a letter.

Six Hearts

Enter Stoffton.

Eight Hearts

Enter Stoffton on a Sunday.

Ten Hearts

You receive a letter.

Site Navigation
Mods Fostoria - Stoffton - Simple Bigger Farms - Family Ties
Rocky Ford Locations Dwarves - Goblins - Holtz Farm - Old Schafer House - Schafer Cabin - Schafer Ranch - Vogel House - Vogel Shed
Stoffton Locations Academy - Al - Apartments - Blacksmith - Boarding - Clothing - Drinks - Fish - Flowers - Gems - Grocery - Mill Owner - Pickles - SugarDrop - Temple of Yoba - Textile Mill - Vacant
Marriage Candidates Alexandria - Brina - Clay - Ebbe - Fabiana - Juliana - Odo - Quinn - Rolf - Silas - Vasha - Will - Xen
Candidates with Options Dahlia - Josef - Mac - Yosef
Non-Marriage Candidates Al - Aluna - Erik - Felix - Fiona - Garth - Gerhard - Greta - Helmut - Ignas - Isla - Johanna - Kendria - Leander - Lexi - Makena - Marina - Matius - Nadia - Olive - Otto - Rhys - Selene - Tomas - Unice
Non-Human Characters Emalik - Filosoof - Gfvol - Iratxoa - Pxurk - Zsopk