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Lexi is married to Kendria and is the head baker for the SugarDrop Café & Bakery on main street in Stoffton. Lexi was born and raised in Stoffton and is an only child. Her parents own a clothing store on main street where her mother Selene makes clothing and her father Leander runs the store. After completing school at Stoffton Academy, Lexi went to culinary school where she met her wife Kendria, a chef. After working in several cities together, they saved enough money to open the combination café and bakery in Stoffton.

Lexi has one adult child, Alexandria, who is a marriage candidate.

Birthday Spring 8
Lives In SugarDrop Cafe & Bakery
Address Stoffton
Friends Aluna
Family Kendria (wife)

Alexandria (marriage candidate)

Selene (mother)

Leander (father)

Unice (mother-in-law)

Rhys (father-in-law)

Family Tree Alexandria's Family Tree
Marriage No
Best Gifts Salmonberry, Blackberry, Coconut, Melon

Schedule (in brief)

Most days, you can find Lexi in the bakery side of the SugarDrop Café & Bakery from around 6:00 am to 1:00 pm.


In addition to the universal gifts, below are the character's specific preferences:

Reaction Gift(s)
Loved Salmonberry, Blackberry, Coconut, Melon
Liked Vegetables, Eggs, Fruits
Neutral -
Disliked -
Hated -

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Enter the SugarDrop Café & Bakery.

Six Hearts

Enter the SugarDrop Café & Bakery.

Eight Hearts

Enter the SugarDrop Café & Bakery.

Rocky Ford *ALL*DwarvesGoblinsHoltz FarmOld Schafer HouseSchafer CabinSchafer RanchVogel HouseVogel Shed
Stoffton *ALL*AcademyAlApartmentsBlacksmithBoardingClothingDrinksFishFlowersGemsGroceryMill OwnerPicklesSugarDropTemple of YobaTextile MillVacant
Other CrossroadsNew Farm
Marriage Candidates AlexandriaBrinaClayEbbeFabianaJulianaOdoQuinnSilasVashaWillXen
Candidates with Options DahliaJosefMacRolfYosef
Non-Marriage Candidates AlAlunaErikFelixFionaGarthGerhardGretaHelmutIgnasIslaJohannaKendriaLeanderLexiMakenaMarinaMatiusNadiaOliveOttoRhysSeleneTomasUnice
Non-Human Characters EmalikFilosoofGfvolIratxoaPxurkZsopk
Family Trees AlexandriaClayQuinn & VashaSchafer FamilyWillOther Residents
Other Mods FostoriaSimple Bigger FarmsFamily Ties