
From Stoffton
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Vasha is a marriage candidate who lives with their twin sibling Quinn and parents Erik and Nadia in their apartment in the Grocery Store in Stoffton. Vasha was born and raised in Stoffton, and finished studies at Stoffton Academy a few years ago. Vasha is an enthusiastic user of adjectives and believes in using as many words as necessary to perfectly describe an idea or experience.

Much of the time, Vasha is deeply ensconced in their own thoughts and can seem difficult to approach, but, if you are willing to discuss the merits of various shades of red, Vasha will have plenty of time for you.

Birthday Spring 11
Lives In Grocery Store
Address Stoffton
Friends Felix
Family Nadia (mother)

Erik (father)

Quinn (twin sibling)

Family Tree Quinn & Vasha's Family
Marriage Yes
Best Gifts Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV

Schedule (in brief)

Vasha spends most of their mornings in the apartment in the Grocery Store and the afternoons in the SugarDrop Café & Bakery.


In addition to the universal gifts, below are the character's specific preferences:

Reaction Gift(s)
Loved Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV
Liked Salmonberry, Blackberry
Neutral -
Disliked -
Hated -

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Enter Stoffton.

Four Hearts

Enter the Grocery Store.

Six Hearts

Enter Stoffton Academy.

Eight Hearts

Enter Stoffton.

Ten Hearts

Enter the bus stop (base game).

Rocky Ford *ALL*DwarvesGoblinsHoltz FarmOld Schafer HouseSchafer CabinSchafer RanchVogel HouseVogel Shed
Stoffton *ALL*AcademyAlApartmentsBlacksmithBoardingClothingDrinksFishFlowersGemsGroceryMill OwnerPicklesSugarDropTemple of YobaTextile MillVacant
Other CrossroadsNew Farm
Marriage Candidates AlexandriaBrinaClayEbbeFabianaJulianaOdoQuinnSilasVashaWillXen
Candidates with Options DahliaJosefMacRolfYosef
Non-Marriage Candidates AlAlunaErikFelixFionaGarthGerhardGretaHelmutIgnasIslaJohannaKendriaLeanderLexiMakenaMarinaMatiusNadiaOliveOttoRhysSeleneTomasUnice
Non-Human Characters EmalikFilosoofGfvolIratxoaPxurkZsopk
Family Trees AlexandriaClayQuinn & VashaSchafer FamilyWillOther Residents
Other Mods FostoriaSimple Bigger FarmsFamily Ties