Dwarf Family

From Stoffton
Revision as of 21:25, 21 December 2022 by Jivebaby (talk | contribs)
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One house west of the goblin family, a family of dwarves have taken up residence. The mother Emalik runs a small shop from the barrel in the front room of their house. The father Filosoof helps with the children while he contemplates the great questions of life. Their children (Gfvol, Pxurk, and Zsopk) roam around the house, helping and watching.

Emalik and Filosoof have knowledge of the Human Scrolls which allow them to speak to you. The children are much too young to have completed their learning. The family hopes one day to build a successful business so that when they contact their cousin in the mines, he will not be disappointed with them.

RF Dwarf House.png
Open Hours 6:00 pm - Midnight
Address Rocky Ford
Occupants Emalik






RF INT Dwarf.png

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Mods Fostoria - Stoffton - Simple Bigger Farms - Family Ties
Rocky Ford Locations Dwarves - Goblins - Holtz Farm - Old Schafer House - Schafer Cabin - Schafer Ranch - Vogel House - Vogel Shed
Stoffton Locations Academy - Al - Apartments - Blacksmith - Boarding - Clothing - Drinks - Fish - Flowers - Gems - Grocery - Mill Owner - Pickles - SugarDrop - Temple of Yoba - Textile Mill - Vacant
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Candidates with Options Dahlia - Josef - Mac - Yosef
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Non-Human Characters Emalik - Filosoof - Gfvol - Iratxoa - Pxurk - Zsopk