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Gerhard is the third child of Fiona (who lives in the Schafer Ranch) and Josef Schafer (deceased). Gerhard was born and raised in the area and attended Stoffton Academy. Only two years younger than his brother Otto, Gerhard has always been motivated to leave his mark on the world. When he was a younger man, this led to his decision to repair and revitalize the textile mill in Stoffton, and later to his decision to build a detached home for himself and his family in the northeastern side of town. Gerhard is married to Aluna and they have four children: Yosef, Silas, Makena, and Isla. Silas is a marriage candidate. Yosef is not a marriage candidate, but that can be changed.

Gerhard is proud of his accomplishments and enjoys sharing them with others; he is especially proud of his home and hedge maze and has applied for (and won) awards for both. He is supportive of his siblings, although some of their less successful endeavors confuse him. Gerhard is an important man in Stoffton, employing a number of people in his textile mill, and, for better or worse, he is very aware of his own importance.

Gerhard intends to leave the textile mill to his two sons, but he is also completely unready to retire in any way which is a bit difficult for his children. He is currently interested in the position of town Alderman.

Birthday Summer 22
Lives In Mill Owner's Home
Address Stoffton
Friends Al
Family Aluna (wife)

Yosef (oldest son)

Silas (marriage candidate)

Makena (child)

Isla (child)

Family Tree Schafer Family Tree
Marriage No
Best Gifts Truffle Oil, Lobster Bisque, Wine, Salmonberry, Blackberry

Schedule (in brief)

Most days, Gerhard has breakfast at home and then leaves for the textile mill arriving around 8:00 am staying until 4:00 pm until he returns home for the evening meal. On Sundays, he attends the temple of Yoba and then spends the afternoon at home. When it is raining, Gerhard stays home all day.


In addition to the universal gifts, below are the character's specific preferences:

Reaction Gift(s)
Loved Truffle Oil, Lobster Bisque, Wine, Salmonberry, Blackberry
Liked Cherry Bomb, Squid Ink Ravioli, Ostrich Egg
Neutral -
Disliked Soggy Newspaper, Rusty Spur, Joja Cola
Hated -

Heart Events

Two Hearts

You receive a letter. Enter Stoffton.

Four Hearts

You receive a letter.

Six Hearts

Enter Stoffton.

Eight Hearts

Enter Stoffton.

Ten Hearts

You receive a letter.

Rocky Ford *ALL*DwarvesGoblinsHoltz FarmOld Schafer HouseSchafer CabinSchafer RanchVogel HouseVogel Shed
Stoffton *ALL*AcademyAlApartmentsBlacksmithBoardingClothingDrinksFishFlowersGemsGroceryMill OwnerPicklesSugarDropTemple of YobaTextile MillVacant
Other CrossroadsNew Farm
Marriage Candidates AlexandriaBrinaClayEbbeFabianaJulianaOdoQuinnSilasVashaWillXen
Candidates with Options DahliaJosefMacRolfYosef
Non-Marriage Candidates AlAlunaErikFelixFionaGarthGerhardGretaHelmutIgnasIslaJohannaKendriaLeanderLexiMakenaMarinaMatiusNadiaOliveOttoRhysSeleneTomasUnice
Non-Human Characters EmalikFilosoofGfvolIratxoaPxurkZsopk
Family Trees AlexandriaClayQuinn & VashaSchafer FamilyWillOther Residents
Other Mods FostoriaSimple Bigger FarmsFamily Ties